Tarot Card Reading


Tarot card reading is a form of divination that uses a deck of 78 cards to provide insights into the past, present, and future. The cards are believed to represent different aspects of the human experience, and the way they are interpreted can vary depending on the reader’s intuition and experience.

At Urjashakti, we offer tarot card readings as part of our holistic wellness offerings. We believe that tarot card reading can be a powerful tool for self-discovery and personal growth.

Urja Shakti Tarot Card Reading Sessions

What is Tarot Card Reading?

Tarot card reading is a practice in which the reader interprets the meaning of a spread of tarot cards. The cards are believed to represent different aspects of the human experience, and the way they are interpreted can vary depending on the reader’s intuition and experience.

There are many different ways to read tarot cards. Some readers use a specific spread, while others allow the cards to guide them. There is no right or wrong way to read tarot cards, as long as the reader is open to the possibility of receiving guidance from the cards. The tarot deck is divided into two parts: the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana.

Online Tarot Card Reading Sessions at Urja Shakti

How Does Tarot Card Reading Work?

The exact mechanism by which tarot card reading works is not fully understood. However, it is believed that the cards can tap into the reader’s intuition and provide insights into the past, present, and future.

Tarot card reading can be used for a variety of purposes, including:

Benefits of Tarot Card Reading

Tarot Card Reading has been shown to have a number of benefits, including:

Tarot card reading is a practice that takes time and patience to learn. But with regular practice, you can reap the many benefits that tarot card reading has to offer.

How to Get Started with Tarot Card Reading

If you are interested in trying tarot card reading, it is important to find a qualified reader. You can ask your friends or family for recommendations, or you can search online.

When you are first starting out, it is helpful to have a few sessions with a reader so that they can teach you the basics of tarot card reading and help you to create a personalized reading practice.

woman reading tarot cards Urja Shakti

Book Tarot Card Reading with Urja Shakti

We hope that you will consider booking a tarot card reading with Urja Shakti. We believe that tarot card reading can be a powerful tool for improving your overall well-being. 

To book a session, please visit our website or contact us at urjashakti@hotmail.com