Interconnect Your Body, Mind & Soul

Welcome to Urja Shakti:

Your Path to Transformation & Fulfillment

" At Urja Shakti, we believe that each individual possesses the power to shape their reality, find purpose, attain true fulfillment..”

Our philosophy is rooted in the understanding that true transformation comes from within. We combine the principles of life coaching and spiritual healing to create a holistic approach that addresses your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Here, we guide you on a journey of self-discovery, growth, and empowerment.

Specially For You

We recognize that each individual's journey is unique. Our programs are tailored to your specific needs and aspirations.

Supportive Environment

At Urja Shakti, you'll find a non-judgmental and compassionate space where you can express yourself freely.

Proven Results

Our approach has helped countless individuals achieve breakthroughs, find clarity, and experience lasting positive change

You will get

Our Offerings


What They’re Saying

"After an energy clearing session, I felt a weight lifted - both physically and emotionally. I'm so grateful to have found a talented energy healer through Urja Shakti."


"As a Reiki Master Teacher, I'm impressed with the comprehensive training program offered by Urja Shakti. It prepared me to serve clients with compassion."


"I recommend Urja Shakti to all my friends who are looking to deepen their spiritual growth and self-discovery. The workshops are insightful and healing."


"The spiritual life coaching through Urja Shakti helped me gain clarity in my relationship and career that allowed me to move forward confidently."


"I've struggled with anxiety for years, but after just a few reiki sessions with Urja Shakti I felt more at peace than I have in a long time. The calming energy has lasting effects."


"Even though we did distance healing sessions, I was amazed at how present and attentive the Urja Shakti practitioner was. I truly felt cared for."



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Body Positive Yoga

Worldwide Bikram Yoga

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